Ready to Get Started?

Unlike our competitors, there is no option to sign up and get started! To us, you are more than a customer number and an invoice. Signup and get started is like sink or swim and we do not want that for you because we care about our customers and we want them to succeed.

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How do you sign up?

The process starts by contacting us and letting us know you're interested. We'll discuss the system, give you a 1:1 demo and answer any questions you may have. After you've decided to come onboard, a customer rep will set aside time to work with you and help build your new foundation in MASS. We help transition your business information to MASS and we work with you until you are ready to take the training wheels off.

Switching to a new system, even one as easy to use and as streamlined as MASS, is an interuption to your daily business. Our reps will help minimize the time it takes you to get up and running and they'll be available to answer any questions you may have. Our goal during your transition is to minimize that interuption while maximizing value.


How much does it cost?

Our closest competitors are shift fillers that ensure an employee is assigned to a time slot. Is that all you do? No! MASS was built to help you generate profits while meeting the needs of your facilities. Comparisons to these charge per user shift fillers are not appropriate and that is reflected in our price structure which is simple and straight forward. Contact us! We will show you how MASS will help your business grow. MASS is an asset: a strategic investment in your business. Not a cost.