Diary Managed Workflow

We know mobile anesthesia and we know how it works best so we built a workflow into MASS that is built specifically for you. From handling encounters to processing billings, the MASS Diary guides your employees throughout the day. See for yourself!

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Workflow is how information moves through your system, the things your employees do with that information and in what order those things happen.

Your practice receives mail, right? That’s the first step in a workflow because an employee opens that mail. They look at it. They make a decision and then they route the mail to the correct employee. That piece of mail moves through your business generating new bits of information while prompting your employees to take different actions with each of those bits. Understanding how that happens and how employees use information, that’s workflow and in MASS, the Diary manages that process.

With other practice management and scheduling software, your employees waste time looking for things to work on. They go from screen to screen looking for things to do. They check their email. They look through stacks of papers. That ineffeciency has a cost.

MASS has the Diary. The Diary is a like an inbox on a desk: A list of critical items that require an employee’s attention. The Diary is more than that though, because it is more than just a list: it is also the builder of the list.

The Diary maps your employees to the roles they serve in the company and it distributes entries to the appropriate employees automatically based on what else is happening in the company.

The Diary helps to limit distractions and keep your workforce focused while ensuring that nothing falls through the cracks.


Task switching adds to overhead

How much time do your employees spend figuring out what to work on next? Whats the value of that time? What else could they be doing? How easily do they lose track of what they were working on because they were interrupted? The Diary keeps employees focused, productive and accountable.

The Diary improves the efficiency of your workforce, giving your practice greater capacity for added volume. It helps to keep your employees focused. As an employee completes a diary entry, they take the next one and continue working.

Increasing volume increases revenue and increased revenue generated from the same labor costs is profit! The MASS Diary helps your business grow.

The Diary helps to keep employees accountable by providing supervisors with a way to verify employees are actually working. Supervisors can open their subordinates diaries and check the completion dates.

If supervisors notice that employees are busy in the mornings but not in the afternoons, that does not automatically mean your employees are wasteful or inefficient. It means MASS has increased the capacity of your existing workforce. You can hire more providers and you can service more facilities. It means it is time to grow.